Wednesday, May 17, 2023
Panel Discussion: Employee Engagement
9:00 AM - 9:40 AM

 In the behavioral health world, a patient entering treatment is the first step in their journey to sobriety or recovery from addiction or mental health disorders. Oftentimes, the length of stay a patient plans for prior to admission is cut short due to various factors. The first line of defense against a patient leaving early or against medical advice (AMA) is the direct-care staff providing the clinical treatment for patients. In this session, attendees will hear from an organization that's been able to achieve great success in keeping patients in treatment for longer periods of time in light of an industry staffing struggle. Attendees of this session will learn about:  

  • The correlation between keeping your direct-care staff satisfied and achieving longer lengths of stay
  • How to hire and train your direct-care staff in ways that ensure best outcomes for patients and maximize revenue for treatment providers
  • How to keep your direct-care staff motivated and satisfied in their current positions
  • Insights into staffing ratios that provide patients with the care needed stay engaged in treatment and achieve successful results
  • How to lead an organization with multiple facilities and locations to achieve success 
Jordan Young JD Kalmenson Marlon Rollins, PhD