Call for Speakers & Presentations

Program Overview

BHASe invites you to submit proposals for panels and presentations at BHASe23, to be held May 15-17, 2023 in Miami, FL.

This is your opportunity to be a part of the program that brings the behavioral health community together to share ideas, learn from one-another, and build relationships.

BHASe welcomes proposals on all topics relevant to behavioral health which is pertinent to owners and operators of facilities and networks.

Please note: This form must be filled out using a desktop computer.

Proposals require the following components and cannot be reviewed if incomplete.

  1. Presentation Title
  2. Session Summary
  3. Speaker Information to include:
    1. Speaker bio and contact information
    2. Discipline and role in presentation

The program is designed for owners and operators of behavioral health facilities, and C-level executives of facilities and networks. The speaker and topic must be relevant to our audience.