Full Name
Jay Voigt
Human Capital, LLC
Jay is a highly experienced and person-centered organizational leader, clinician, trainer, speaker, and executive coach. He presents nationally on topics ranging from organizational leadership to mental health. With over two decades of expertise in the healthcare industry, and as a person in long term recovery from substance use disorder, Jay has a different perspective on most things, and delivers messages and content within a relatable tone using passion and humor.

Armed with dual master's degrees in counseling and business administration, Jay is a dedicated lifelong learner, consistently pursuing growth through continuous organizational and professional development. His pride lies in his transformational leadership approach, emphasizing investments in people, teams, and organizational culture. Jay is widely recognized for his exceptional communication skills, emotional intelligence, and critical thinking abilities.

Jay held senior leadership positions in academic and traditional healthcare systems, public mental health, and private non-profit organizations in both Colorado and Pennsylvania. Jay continues to make a substantial impact in the business world, guiding organizations towards their goals while nurturing personal and professional growth in others.
Jay Voigt